Wednesday, March 08, 2006

from the
Plant a Seed dept....

Salvage Yourself a Vintage Home
If you're looking for home improvement bliss,
make your first stop the local salvage yard.

Salvage yards may look like they contain piles of junk--until you've got a home improvement project. Then they turn into treasure troves of materials that have been reclaimed from demolitions or are useable scraps from other people's projects. Everything from wood siding and flooring materials to windows, fixtures, and even kitchen sinks can be found at a fraction of what you'd pay at a home improvement store. In addition to what you save at a salvage yard, you'll gain the satisfaction of knowing that by giving old materials new life, you're saving landfill space and conserving resources.

What You'll Find

Many salvage yards include quality vintage and hard-to-find architectural pieces as well as modern building materials, often at a fraction of the cost of similar new materials. In the case of some products such as interior doors, sinks, and bathtubs, there is little functional difference between salvaged and new materials.

Visit Early and Often

Inventory at salvage yards changes constantly. Visit early and often to find what you need. Acquire materials before you build so that you can design around salvaged materials. Often, they won't fit standard specifications. Avoid single-pane windows and old, high-flow toilets. They'll make your house less energy and water efficient. What to AvoidAs with new products, avoid pressure treated wood, which usually contain toxic chromium and arsenic. Wear masks with high-quality filters when sanding and stripping salvage paints in case they are old enough to contain lead, and investigate materials for defects, wear, and missing parts before you buy it. Learn MoreLooking for something specific?
See if it can be found at View All Articles In This Topic

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