Friday, April 21, 2006

Locked Gates Stop "Commerce"


This is the rear courtyard of two buildings on
Bosworth across the street from the Broadmoor.
These gates have been open since this observer
has lived here and has been not only an eyesore,
but a haven for "commerce" of several varieties.

These gates were always open and the partially

burned out buildings and stairways were also
frequented by kids in the neighborhood.

The chains and locks were installed within the
last two days since I happen to walk down that
alley almost daily and would have noticed.

Whether this is just a coincidence, a committment
by management ,who have been emptying debris
from the buildings lately or whether a little birdy
mentioned this building to the team of
motivated inspectors that arrived at Northpoint on
Wednesday, is anyone's guess. Quite honestly, I hope
it was management's decision. I'm just glad it finally



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