Tuesday, April 25, 2006

1640-42 West Fargo Meeting Tonight 7PM

Fargo Frontage

Rogers Frontage Across from Runge's

Sign on Front Door and Garage Door

On 2-8-06, an amendment was filed to change RT4 residential two flat, townhouse and multi unit district and c1-2 neighborhood commercial district to B2-3 neighborhood mixed use distrct to allow the subdivision of 1 lot into 2 lots. the existing 6 dwelling bldg. to remain and a new 4 story, 3 dwelling unit building.


Blogger gf said...


to change RT4 residential two flat,
townhouse and multi unit district and c1-2 neighborhood commercial district to B2-3 neighborhood mixed use distrct to allow the subdivision of 1 lot into 2 lots. the existing 6 dwelling bldg. to remain and a new 4 story, 3 dwelling unit building.

2:12 PM  
Blogger Hugh said...


Thanks for posting a photo of one of these signs.

For me, what's most important about these signs is what they DON"T say.

No phone number for the Alderman. No phone number for anyone other than THE DEVELOPER"S LAWYER. How many people are going to call a real estate developer's lawyer? Why is the developer's lawyer the designated contact for questions from the community?

No mention of our zoning laws. No mention of a citizen's rights or remedies under our laws.

No attempt to suggest how a citizen might respond, other than chatting with a developer's lawyer

A public hearing is mentioned in passing, but there is no date, time, or location mentioned, and no way is given of how to find out. The poster is a notice of the FILING OF AN APPLICATION, it is NOT a notice of a public hearing.

The poster is written in secret codes (RT4, C1-2, B2-3) designed to be as uninfomative to the general public as possible.

Gary, you took a picture of a method for notifying neighbors of development in their community, a method designed by the powerful real estate development lobby that controls our City government.

10:38 AM  
Blogger gf said...


this type of posted sign really serves only a legal requirement and is not at all helpful to most people.

you are right about the contact #. it would be better if it were the alderman's office #, no doubt. i really wonder what kind of response someone would get if you actually reached one of the lawyers?

as far as notification for this meeting, there was a 5 day notice which is an improvement and i havn't seen any flyers yet.

4:54 PM  
Blogger Hugh said...

> as far as notification for this meeting, there was a 5 day notice which is an improvement and i havn't seen any flyers yet.

You may be refering to Moore's neighborhood meeting, which is not part of the zoning change process, it's just Moore performance art designed to distract us from the real hearing.

The public hearing that matters is the public hearing before the Zoning Committee downtown. The application for the zoning change triggers this heariing, but the posted notices do not mention this or give a date, time, or place, or where to call to find out about it.

Review and Approval Procedures

7:04 PM  

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